We had a few fun events happen this week!!! So here are my favorite highlights!!
We got a message from the assistants on Saturday that we were going to be having a super important zoom meeting with the entire mission that night at 9:10 PM. They didn't feel like giving us any details other than a few things that had us stressed literally allllllllllll day! So. The time comes. President Durham gets on and tells us that all of our Facebook pages are going to be deleted (there are like 6). They are making one big Facebook page for the whole mission! Kinda stinks because we had been working really hard on this "Meet the Missionaries" series on our page and mine was about to be posted. But eh. Oh well. The important and exciting part of this story. Sister Durham told us there was going to be a Kahoot at the end and whoever won would win gift cards to In-N-Out. This was very exciting news to us. For those of you who don't know what Kahoot is...it is basically a quiz that you do via the internet. Pretty handy. I did it lots in college and high school. Time for the Kahoot comes around. There are about 250 missionaries in my mission right now. TONS of us. So we knew we weren't going to win. We just wanted to have some fun. After the first question, we were in 43rd. But after question 5, we were in 1st! After the last question....we won!!! Hahaha totally not exciting to most people. But we were SO excited. We beat all of our fellow missionaries and now we get gift cards. I've never been so satisfied with winning Kahoot in my life. Wow sorry that was a long and boring story.
Second highlight. We have a recent convert that we are working with. His name is Pedro. He has a daughter that we have been teaching the lessons to as well. Her name is Giselle. Their family just moved here from Honduras. We love them. Giselle's birthday was on Tuesday! The big 15! That means it is supposed to be her quinceañeras! Kinda like a sweet 16 on steroids for Latinos. We got a call from Pedro that day and he told us that their whole family was in Oakland for the day and Giselle was going to be home alone alllllllll day. Only her neighbors were home (there are 3 families that live in their apartment, WILD). Me and sister Burch were SO sad. We panicked a little bit trying to shuffle the last few hours of the day around to make it possible for us to do something. We ran to the store and grabbed her a small little gift, a balloon, some cupcakes, and some candles. We showed up at her door with our little things for her. We talked for a while and bonded with her. It meant so much to us because we have been looking for ways to let her know how much we love her! Honestly it was an answer to our prayers. Such a simple way to show her how much we care for her and show her that she deserves to be celebrated!!
Here's a fun scripture for all y'all. D&C 123:17.
"Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."
What is my favorite part?? "...let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still..." Powerful right?? It is cool because this can apply to us in spiritual ways and relate to us in every day life! All we can do is things that are in our control. We should not focus on things that we have no control over. Once we have done all we can, stand still. Be at peace with your efforts. I am continually working on this as a missionary. It's hard to be rejected so much. But it isn't my job to make people change. They have their agency. My success as a missionary is measured by how many times I show someone Christlike love and how many times I invite someone to come unto the savior. I'm so grateful for my calling.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Thanks for updating me on your lives :)
Talk to you soon!
Hermana Graves
1- Zone Kick off zoom meeting! Yeehaw!!
4- This was right before we wrecked the mission in Kahoot.
5- Driving home after a lesson!
6- Sister Burch told me she wanted to draw a portrait of me..."from a distance"...this is what I got...
7- Laundryyyyyyyy
8- not gonna lie...taking public transportation is kinda fun. Google maps gets ya lots then you miss your bus and you end up running around downtown like mad men for a while. It's a good time. Big fan.