Monday, November 16, 2020

He Gave His Life For Me - Garage closed on our car! - Exchanges With Me As The Only Spanish Speaker - Church In Person Again!


It has been another slower week. We've taught more lessons this week than we have in a while, just all to people that aren't interested. So that's a big bummer. Maybe they'll eventually be interested.

Not many interesting this have happened but here we go anyway. This week we celebrated my birthday with Betty and Luigi and the other Sisters and Elders! Luigi's birthday was the day after mine so we had a little combined party :) My birthday just never ends!! It is so cute that the members here just want to badly to serve us and make sure we feel loved. I absolutely love this ward. 

We had church in person yesterday!! Wow! It was wild! Just the sacrament. The rest of the meeting was virtual and there was a 50 person limit. But it was SO nice to be back in the chapel again. I was so happy. My heart was going to burst. Taking the sacrament at home is special and cool, but there is a special spirit in the chapel while the sacrament is being passed. 

Unfortunately there is really only one other interesting thing I have to tell you all about Haha! We did exchanges this week! It was my first exchange because of the pandemic. But I was SO stressed because Sister Harrop was going to be staying in San Francisco with me and Sister Burch was heading to Oakland for the day. Sister Harrop was reassigned from Brazil...which means she doesn't speak Spanish. So I was going to be on my own in lessons. It ended up being okay! Turns out, I know more Spanish than I think! Especially in stressful situations. I even helped Sister Harrop bear her testimony and learn a little Spanish. Never thought I'd know more Spanish than someone else. It was a little refreshing not gonna lie. A wild thing that happened was we were leaving our garage (it automatically closes after we leave) and the door broke and fell on our car...yikes. Me and Sister Harrop were stresssssssssed. Somehow there are only a few scratches and no dents!

There's a cute verse in the Bible that is the tenderest thing I've ever read in my life. John 15:13. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. Hard to imagine the amount of love someone has for me that they died for me. I also love in this verse how it says the word friend. Yes, he is the Savior of the world, he is my brother, he is the only begotten of the father. But is also my friend. I trust my friends with anything and everything that is on my mind. So I trust him with the same. He is my best friend. I am grateful for everything he has done for me. An incomprehensible amount of love. Wow. 

Food for thought ;)

Good luck in all our weekly endeavors:)
Hermana Graves

1- Golden Gate! The most iconic part of my city 

2- I love Sister Burch!!

3- Me giving my little talk at the baptism:))

4- Jarritos 

5- exchanges with Sister Harrop!

6-I got to go inside the visitors center in Oakland for the first time!! I love the Christus statue 

7-Birthday with Luigi!

8-our favorite book!!

9- Just driving home :)

10- Elder England paid for our sprites. What a kind soul. 

11-cute district! Some of you might recognize Elder Bulter (blonde one behind me) He is from Grantsville!

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