Monday, June 14, 2021

Smash & Grab - Schedule a Tour At the Visitors' Center Before Shauna Leaves! - Exchanges with Sister Apelu - Redeemed By The Grace Of Christ


This morning started out so great. We sleep with our windows open a little because it's getting hot. I woke up this morning at 5:12 when I heard a car pulling up across the street from our complex. I looked out the window and there was a man breaking into the SUV over there. After smashing the glass he got back in the car and the driver zoomed away. I was like 95% asleep when this happened and then afterward I couldn't fall back asleep. Been a long day haha. But what's craziest about this is that in California there are smash and grabs alllllllllll the time. So there is soooooo much glass all over the streets in Oakland. What a good time.

I went on exchanges with Sister Apelu last week! We've been serving in the same (ish) area for 6 months and this was the first time we went on exchanges! It was so fun! Only one of our lessons actually happened so we had lots of time to walk the streets and find! We met a BUNCH of people. And one of those people was a man who is a member and hasn't been to church in 3 years! The elders have been trying to get in contact with him and have been unsuccessful. Turns out, all you have to do to talk to some Latinos is buy some tacos. Who would have thought? Anyways Sister Apelu is awesome and she taught me a lot. We didn't take any pictures though cause we are the worst. My b.

Anyways, not much to report on. We are still chugging along at the Visitors Center. If anyone wants to take a tour of the VC, let me know! We have transfers this week and I could be leaving the VC! We don't know yet but it might be my last week in the VC before I come home. So this could be your last chance to see me there! Send me a message or an email about scheduling a tour and I'll be able to respond during the week :)

Okay okay. I was reading the Book of Mormon this week (I know, shocking) and this verse really stood out to me.

2 Nephi 1:15
"...the Lord hath redeemed my soul from hell; I have beheld his glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love."

How beautiful is that? That's exactly how I feel! I have been redeemed by the Grace of Christ and because I've felt that redeeming power, I have beheld His glory. And because I have beheld His glory, I can literally feel that I am encircled ETERNALLY in His arms of love! I can never do enough wrong to not be surrounded by His arms of love as long as I'm willing to repent and be better the next day. He literally is just waiting for us with His arms WIDE OPEN!! I'm grateful for my Savior and His patience with me and my imperfection. I hope you are all striving everyday to be better than you were yesterday and you look to Christ for that example. And if you're not, it's never too late to start ;)

Love you all! 
Hermana Shauna 

1- behind the scenes during videos during virtual tours ;) 

2- me :)

3- ever wondered what I look like mid hair flip? Well, here's a photo to put your curious mind at ease. 

4- a flower crown for sis sinema :)

5- we climbed into bed with our dresses on after a long day. Probably fell asleep with them on too...cant remember

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